Friday, 17 April 2015

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Male Sexual Impotence Or Erectile Dysfunction

What is impotence?

The term impotence also known as erectile dysfunction is referred to as inability for development or maintenance of erection in male organ during lovemaking act. Erection is a procedure which takes place as a result of sexual arousal and involves physiological and nervous processes. Inability to get proper erection is characterized as erectile dysfunction and commonly as impotence.

What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?

There are many reasons associated with erectile dysfunction or impotence. Some of the major causes include:

Home Remedies For Male Sexual Impotence1. Atherosclerosis or clogged blood vessels

2. Heart diseases or myocardial infarction

3. High levels of cholesterol in blood and high blood pressure

4. Medical conditions including diabetes as well as obesity

5. Metabolic syndrome

6. Health conditions like Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis

7. Lifestyle related conditions including smoking, over usage of alcohol, over uptake of junk food.

8. Sleep disorders

9. Prostate related problems like prostate cancer and enlarged prostate

10. Depression, anxiety and stress also lead to impotence or erectile dysfunction.

What are the effects of impotence?

Impotence causes many social and psychological effects on a person, some of these effects include:

1. The most prominent effect of erectile dysfunction is on relationship. As people suffering with this disorder cannot perform well in bed, most of the times they suffer in relationship

2. They have low self-confidence

3. They feel tired all the time

4. Depression and anxiety are common effect of impotence

What are the effects of Saffron M Power oil and Saffron M Power capsules on impotence?

Saffron M Power capsules, herbal impotence supplements can be said as the best home remedies for male sexual impotence. These capsules are rich in special ingredients which provide nourishment and nutrition to genital regions of male. Moreover the herbs which are present in Saffron M Power capsules enhance the supply of oxygen to male genital region as well as increase the flow rate of blood during the arousal period of person. These capsules are rich in major nutrients which basically include protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are involved in reduction of nutritional deficiency of a human's cells and tissues of genital region. Uptake of Saffron M Power capsule is also associated with increase in regeneration power of cells which improve the sex power. Energy of a person also increases with the uptake of these capsules. All of these functions performed by capsules result in enhancement of the ability of person to produce and sustain erection due to which the condition of erectile dysfunction reduces.

Saffron M Power oil is used in combination of Saffron M Power capsules. Massage therapy of male reproductive area is performed with this oil which further enhances the ability of person to get erection. This oil is associated with enhancement of love act. It not only dilates the blood vessels during erection but also increases blood flow in male genital region. Saffron M Power oil and Saffron M Power capsules together are ayurvedic remedies for male sexual impotence to enhance quality of erection and to reduce the condition of impotence. Sexual power of males gets highly increased with the usage of this therapy.

What directions should be followed for usage of Saffron M Power capsules and Saffron M Power oil?

This erectile dysfunction treatment can be taken following these directions:

1. 1 Saffron M Power capsule per day with water or milk combined with a daily massage of Saffron M Power oil for 3 to 4 months.

2. If the problem is severe and person is totally unable to perform in bed then 2 Saffron M Power capsules combined with daily massage of Saffron M Power oil should be done for a period of 6 months.

What are the harmful effects of this treatment?

As it is herbal erectile dysfunction treatment and the capsules and oil are totally composed of natural and pure ingredients hence there are no known side effects of this treatment. This herbal treatment for low libido in men is highly reliable with the least possible toxic effects.

What is the expected time for getting the best results?

It depends on the severity of condition. Mostly the treatment shows its effect within 30 to 60 days of treatment. But it is advisable to take it for a period of 3 to 4 months.

Top 10 Foods For Harder Erections And More Intensified Lovemaking Experience

What does the term erection refers to?

The term erection refers to a physiological phenomenon in which genital region of male gets firmer and stronger. This phenomenon usually occurs during the arousal phase of men when he is ready for lovemaking. Erections are also known as penile tumescence. Different complicated and intricate neural and endocrinal mechanisms are involved in producing erection.

Herbal Erection Enhancer Supplements And Oil
What foods can be taken to get harder erection?

There are many foods which can be taken to get hard erections. These foods for harder erections are basically involved in enhancing the levels of testosterone in body and providing nutrients which enhance the regeneration power of cells in genital region. Top ten foods for this purpose are:

1. Onion: It increases the volume of blood which increases the flow rate of blood in genital region. This in turn results in getting hard erection.

2. Chillies: Spices including chillies can be beneficial to harden the erections. Chillies push the blood in genital region which enhance the quality of erections.

3. Coffee: It can be considered as one of the food which enhances performance in bed by increasing the quality of erection. Uptake of coffee before lovemaking can be very beneficial for getting hard erections.

4. Fish: Some fish especially salmon can be helpful in getting quality erections. Salmon provides with omega-3 fatty acids which enhance the production of testosterone in body. This results in production of good quality of erection.

5. Chocolate: Uptake of chocolate can be a miracle in getting erection. Eating dark and hot chocolate can be the best cure to increase lovemaking span of men. Chocolate enhances the arousal of person that results in generation of hard erection.

6. Cherries: cherries are the best natural anti-oxidant. Due to this nature, they kill oxidants in body and indirectly help in production of quality erection.

7. Porridge: Sometimes cereals can solve the problem. Eating porridge on regular basis can have high impact on quality of erections.

8. Oysters: Sea food is rich in ingredients that help in getting hard erections. Oysters are one of those foods that have zinc in them. Zinc is one of the most important nutrients for production of testosterone. Hence uptake of oyster is directly related to high quality erections.

9. Bananas: It is a common fruit having a high level of potassium in it. Potassium is a necessary element to enhance circulation of blood in genital region. This increases the quality of erection.

10. Saffron: The best thing to be used for getting hard erection is saffron. It not only increases the levels of testosterone in body but also enhance supply of oxygen towards genital region which helps in regeneration of cells and strengthening genital region.

What else can be done to get hard erection besides food?

There is a complete package of herbal therapy that can be used to get hard erections. This therapy includes Saffron M Power capsules and Saffron M Power oil, herbal erection enhancer supplements and oil. Saffron M Power capsules provide nourishment to genital region of male. Not only this, it also enhances the supply of oxygen towards lower region and increase the blood flow rate. This results in increasing the regeneration capacity of cells which makes the genital region strong. Levels of testosterone are also observed to enhance as result of uptake of Saffron M Power capsules. All of these actions result in generation of high quality erection.

Massage with Saffron M Power oil is performed in combination with Saffron M Power capsules. This oil is massaged on the genital region from where it penetrates in to the body and repairs the cells inside genital region. It also dilates the blood vessels which increases blood flow during arousal state of men. Hard erections are easy to generate using this therapy.

What directions should be followed for usage of Saffron M Power capsules and Saffron M Power oil?

This herbal treatment for low libido in men can be taken following these directions:

1. 1 Saffron M Power capsule per day with water or milk combined with a daily massage of Saffron M Power oil for 3 to 4 months.

2. If the problem is severe and person is totally unable to perform in bed then 2 Saffron M Power capsules combined with daily massage of Saffron M Power oil should be taken for a period of 6 months.

What are the harmful effects of this treatment?

As it is herbal treatment and the capsule and oil are totally composed of natural and pure ingredients hence there are no known side effects of this treatment. This treatment is highly reliable with the least possible toxic effects.

How To Keep Erection Up For Longer Duration To Experience More Pleasure?

What is an erection?

Erection is known to be a phenomenon controlled by physiological and neurological mechanisms in which genital region of male increases in size and gets stronger. Erection is sometimes also known as penile erection and scientifically as penile tumescence. Many endocrinal and neural mechanisms are involved in development of erection. Sometimes people face difficulty in getting quality erections as well as maintaining them.

Keep Erection Up For Longer Duration
What are the causes of low time erection?

Many factors are directly or indirectly associated with difficulty in erections and small time erections. Some medical conditions and diseases also lead to erection problems. Some of the causes of small pleasurable time are:

1. Disease conditions like atherosclerosis and Parkinson's disease

2. Depression and hypertension

3. Medical health conditions like diabetes

4. Some medications, sleeping pills and high blood pressure medicines also result in development of small time erection

5. Low levels of testosterone

6. Prostate surgery and complications in it

7. Neural damage and spinal injury

8. Lifestyle related problems like over use of alcohol and over smoking.

9. Emotional dilemma like stress, anger and anxiety.

What are the effects of small time erections?

The most important impact of smaller erections is the effect on relationship. A person is unable to enjoy in bed and experience more pleasure due to small time erections. Such a person may get emotional attacks of distress, depression and anxiety. Lovemaking is rather a task instead of enjoyment for him.

What are the effects of Saffron M Power capsules and Saffron M Power oil on increasing the time of erections?

Getting a small period erection is problem faced by many men. Saffron M Power capsules and Saffron M Power oil, herbal erection enhancer supplements and oil, are considered to be the best therapy for increasing the time period of erections. Saffron M Power capsules are very rich in herbal ingredients which enhance the time period of erection. Herb named gokhru is present in Saffron M Power capsules which cure the weakness in men. One other important herb present in these capsules is Shilajit. Shilajit is very important for increasing the power of men to make love. It not only enhances lovemaking but also controls symptoms of disorders and diseases like diabetes and blood pressure. Controlling these symptoms also contribute in development of long term erection. As name indicates, saffron is the most important ingredient of these capsules. Saffron is involved in cure of impotence and infertility of men.

Saffron M Power capsules also reduce the nutritional deficiency of person and increases the levels of energy in genital region. This leads to the increase in flow rate of blood and supply of oxygen. This in turn helps in regeneration of cells in genital region. With the regeneration of cells, genital region gets strong and produces long-lasting erections. Testosterone levels are also observed to increase with the uptake of Saffron M Power capsules.

Besides the therapy with Saffron M Power capsules, massage of genital region is performed with Saffron M Power oil. The oil penetrates into the skin and enters the body where it repairs tissues in genital region and blood vessels. This results in increasing the strength and blood flow rate during arousal.

What are the directions to use Saffron M Power Capsules and Saffron M Power Oil?

1. 1 Saffron M Power capsule per day with water or milk combined with a daily massage of Saffron M Power oil for 3 to 4 months in case of soft erections.

2. If the problem is severe and person is totally unable to perform in bed then 2 Saffron M Power capsules combined with daily massage of Saffron M Power oil should be done for a period of 6 months.

What are the harmful effects of this therapy?

As it is herbal treatment for low libido in men to keep erection up for longer duration and the capsule and oil are totally composed of natural and pure ingredients hence there are no known side effects of this treatment.

What is expected time for getting the best results of this therapy?

It totally depends on the severity of problem. Mostly the treatment shows its effect within 30 to 60 days. But it is advisable to take it for a period of 3 to 4 months continuously.

Top 10 Foods That Increase Sex Power And Sperm Count In Men

Herbal Male Sexual Enhancement Product
Which foods are associated with enhancement of sexual power of person?

There are many foods which increase sperm count in men. Top 10 foods for this purpose are given in the following text.

1. Oysters: Oysters are believed to contain amino acids which enhance the production of testosterone and hence result in increasing the sperm count of male. Uptake of oysters is also known to be associated with producing quality erections.

2. Chocolate: Chocolate especially dark chocolate is observed to have large impact on sex power in men. Eating dark chocolate before making love is known to enhance the lovemaking time by making quality erections which provide more pleasure in bed. Chocolates also increase the levels of testosterone in body. It also helps in losing weight which is also related to production of large number of sperms.

3. Maca plant: Maca is an herb. Uptake of maca is observed to enhance the quality of erection as well as increase of sperm count per ejaculation. Uptake of maca on daily basis is also seen to be associated with enhancement of desire to make love.

4. Bananas: One of the best things which can be used for increasing the count of sperm and enhancing sexual power is banana. Banana is known to be a very potent agent for improving sexual performance of a person. Banana is a source of enzymes and vitamins which enhance potential during sex drive.

5. Asparagus: It is one of the foods which act as an antioxidant. Anti-oxidative mechanism happening in body results in improvement of sexual performance.

6. Walnuts: Dry fruits and nuts are considered to be a good source of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins which are associated with enhancement in sperm count. Among these nuts, walnuts can be the best food because it provides omega-3 fatty acids in body which increases the sperm count and pleasure time in bed.

7. Pumpkin: Eating pumpkin as a dinner, if you have a plan to make love that night can be the best decision. Pumpkins contain ingredients which increase the size of prostate and hence produce large number of testosterone. Increased concentration of testosterone results in increase number of sperms.

8. Ginseng: It is always thought as the potent agent for losing weight. Little has been known about its sexual life enhancing properties but now it has been considered as a miracle substance because it not only enhances the sexual power of men but also enhances sperm count.

9. Garlic: It is a special diet which increases sexual power of people. It is rated as number two in the list due to its special properties.

10. Saffron: It is the best product which can be taken to enhance sexual power and improve the sperm count.

What are the methods to take saffron?

Saffron can be taken in form of Saffron M Power capsules and Saffron M Power oil, herbal male sexual enhancement products. Saffron M Power capsules enhance the ability of cells in genital region to regenerate which strengthens the region. It also increases the level of testosterone in body which increases the sperm count. Saffron M Power capsules are taken in combination with Saffron M Power oil. Massage therapy of male genital region is performed with Saffron M Power oil. This oil penetrates through the skin into the body and helps in enhancing the ability of cells to repair them.

What is the dosage of Saffron M Power capsules and Saffron M Power oil?

1. 1 Saffron M Power capsule per day with water or milk combined with a daily massage of Saffron M Power oil for 3 to 4 months in case of soft erections.

2. If the problem is severe and person is totally unable to perform in bed then 2 Saffron M Power Capsules combined with daily massage of Saffron M Power oil should be done for a period of 6 months.

What are the side effects of the usage of this treatment?

As it is herbal treatment for low libido in men and the capsule and oil are totally composed of natural and pure ingredients hence there are no known side effects of this treatment.

What is expected time for the best results?

It depends on the severity of problem. Mostly the treatment shows its effect within 30 to 60 days. But it is advisable to take it for a period of 3 to 4 months to get effective result.